"I find Adriana Kobor's writing engaging and highly original. (...) Kobor's writing has a mesmerizing power, which I have not seen since Kathy Acker. Kobor might hold some affinity to the New Narrative writers in the USA with whom Acker is sometimes associated. We can only wait to see more of Adriana Kobor's work and hope, in fact, she might do more than expand a promising strain in the Anglo postavant. I believe she has the potential to offer new directions and vitality to writing in English."
De Villo Sloan on Asemic Front 2
"(...) The collages and the visual writing—in varying languages—do not emanate from a “totalizing impulse” but, rather, from an impulse of experimentation. More than intelligence, index of ideas, Kobor is interested in consciousness, index of ideas interacting with each other in a prospect of self-reproach and impossibility. Essence is no longer one message alone but a plurality of messages, whose besetting equality tests the soul and questions the self, putting the artwork on the trail of the immensity of the unknown—a democratic tenacity. Here, brevity is more comprehensive than verbosity. And freedom is more profitable than practicality."
Thomas Hibbard, The Poetry of Prose (Adriana Kobor) in The language signifier : visual writing and ecologies of dimensionality
"Kóbor Adriána számára a művészetben nem létezik terra incognita. A korai avantgárd és a neoavantgárd örökségét hallatlan biztonsággal ötvözi a posztmodern poétikákkal. A kortárs magyar költészetben nincs hozzá hasonló személyiség, aki a költészeti beszédet úgy tárná ki magából, mint a legszebb szerelmi vallomást.
De Kóbor nem csak vonalverseket ír, hanem a nyelvi matériát kimozdítja a képzÅ‘művészeti kiterjedések, a vizuális tartalmak felé. Ami a legfontosabb, mindig önmagát adja, a mesterséges tudatállapot távol áll tÅ‘le. Vagyis: mindig a csupasz életét mutatja felénk."
"For Adriana Kobor, in her art doesn't exist a terra incognita. She effortlessly merges the early avant-garde's and neo-avant-garde's inheritance with post-modern poetics. In the contemporary Hungarian literature there is no one comparable to her in individuality, who uses the poetic diction as a revelation, as the most beautiful declaration of love.
She doesn't only write linear poetry, though, but moves the linguistic material towards the fine arts and visual contents. What is of major importance, whatever she creates, she is always authentic and far from any artificial way of thinking. That is: she shows always her pure existence towards us."
Bálint Szombathy, 15th July 2021
©1979 Rubber and Flesh by Bálint Szombathy
"Haar schrijven is een stream of consciousness. Een stroom van gedachten, gevoed door de relaties met het lief en leed van een vrouw, weinig gefilterd en daardoor zo compromisloos en provocerend. Ze kan ook de twee, extreme richtingen uitgaan van chaos, of gedreven ritme. Toch, deze vitale manier van schrijven staat dicht bij haar leven. Hoe triest of uitbundig we dit leven leven in plaats van het te consumeren."
"Her writing is a stream of consciousness. A thought-flux fed by the relations of a woman's joys and sorrows, almost with no filters, which renders her work so provoking, and without compromise. Her words may flow into two extreme directions: into that of chaos, or that of expulsive rhythms. Yet, this vital way of her writing is the closest to how she lives. How sad or exuberant we live life then..., instead of consuming it slowly."
Luc Fierens, 12(th) Julie/July 2021
©2017 "Poemessa" collage by Luc Fierens

"Gli scritti di Adriana Kobor si inseguono tra i frammenti, le prose, i versi, gli interventi grafici e le poesie visuali e si mangiano in un multilinguismo strutturante e danzano a suon cadenze epiche nelle nevrosi contemporanee."
"Adriana Kobor's writings chase each other between fragments, prose, verse, graphic interventions and visual poems, consume each other in a structuring multilingualism and dance to epic cadences in contemporary neuroses."
Margot Modonesi
"Adriána speelt in haar voordracht met taal, haar poëzie is prozaïsch, lyrisch en organisch. Associatieve meanderende gedichten, mysterisch, allitererend, explorerend, stapelend, constaterend, kortom een genot om naar te luisteren."
"Adriána in her recital plays with words, her poetry is prosaic, lyrical and organic. Associatively meandering poems, mystical, alliterating, explorative, cumulative, axiomatic, in short: a pleasure to listen to."
Wouter Van Heiningen